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Listen,-blood! I’ve seen it upon the door yonder,-a bloody hand! Iknow, for They have told me-They-the Wise Ones And so I come here,sometimes by day, sometimes by night, and I watch-I watch Then,clenching his teeth, he crept forward, guiding himself by the wall;yet as he went, above the shuffle of his feet, above the rustle ofhis cloak against the panelling, he could hear the tick of theclock-ever louder, ever more insistent:Go-back! Go-back!He reached the stairs at last and, groping for the banister, beganto ascend slowly and cautiously, often pausing to listen, and tostare into the darkness before and behind.

Oh! said Barnabas, staring up at the moon ‘No!’sez ‘e.

Here, too, was asmall foot-bridge, with hand-rails supported at either end by posts The pipe shivered to fragments on the hearth, and Barnabas felt hisfingers caught in his father’s mighty grip.

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And then-he is such a doubting Jonah-no, Imean Thomas, of course,-still he’s not quite a fool-I mean Barnabas,not Thomas, who was anything but a fool And what were you doing in Annersley Wood?I bore a message, sir, for the lady.

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